Gil’s Furniture Bought and Sold Analysis

Is there anything you own that even if somebody offered to pay a million dollars for it, you wouldn’t let it go? What does that specific object mean to you and how does it express how you feel? In the vignette Gil’s Furniture Bought and Sold from Cisneros’s novella The House on Mango Street, a simple, ordinary music box means the world to Gil, and he does not agree to sell it for anything. Through analyzing this vignette and especially how this music box makes an impact on the characters in the story, we can see that both Esperanza and Gil feel a need to express their cultural identities fully and to find their rightful place in the society. Continue reading


Hi. Since you’re new here, you’d probably want to know who I am, and where I come from.

No, actually, I don’t think you’d want to know. Because you’re just here to look around, then get straight on with your business, and anticipate the occasional distraction by the gossiping student or two.

But you saunter into the room, arrange your lesson materials, and start conversing with Continue reading

Gandhi Filmic Analysis

A picture is worth a thousand words. In films, twenty-four frames per second are shown, making any film worth more than a hundred million. Despite this, teenagers often find historical films dull and uninformative, and turn to literature and the Internet instead. However, historical films are irreplaceable by books due to their filming techniques, which provide multiple perspectives about the past that may otherwise be lost between pages of thick history books. Thus films often provide a richer view of history. Richard Attenborough illustrates this in the 1982 film “Gandhi”, where a plethora of Continue reading

Multiple Intelligence Project

Escape From Alcatraz board game based on the book Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko

Description (w/MI focus):

My group’s product is a board game on escaping Alcatraz. It’s not a strategy game in a prisoner’s perspective. On the contrary, it is a board game where each player is Moose, and competes by completing tasks and answering trivia questions regarding Al Capone Does My Shirts to earn the only exit pass in order to win.

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